Off the top of my head
Created by Shelby 9 years ago
I'll never forget new years eve 2012 when Jamie-Leigh and I were way too wasted on straight vodka, way too much alcohol for 15 year olds. We danced all night in a random guys kitchen with our boyfriends at the time, and of course her being the dj a whole group of 30-40 people were forced to listen to Justin Bieber. She hugged me tight through the countdown and told me she loved me, and didnt let go for a good 2 minutes, which ultimitely turned into a group hug. Without sounding too clique, i'd give anything to relive that night.
Me and Jamie-Leigh convinced ourselves we were related after we became friends in year 7 after finding out our families were somewhat close before we were born. Everyone we introduced eachother to, we were cousins, and we just stuck with it.
I always found Jamie a very loud character, and without sugar coating anything, a real nosey, annoying little trouble maker. But I loved that about her. We were so alike, in every way apart from our tastes in men and music. Whenever she stayed over, we'd always have something to do, be it making cookies or flipping pancakes (and scraping them off of the ceiling), and we would be up until she fell asleep, because she was always be the first to.
I would see her at least 3-4 days a week after she finished school and travelled home with my sister. I used to huff and puff at the thought of her coming to annoy me sometimes admittedly, but going from all the time to nothing overnight has really opened my eyes, you really don't know what you have until it's gone.
We went on a hack once on our horses, and it was the worst hack in my entire life, yet my favourite hack because it was the only one we shared, and the time i felt most confident. I took her for her first gallop, her first river-ride, and first ride on the roads. On our way out of the woods, her horse spooked and she fell off, he was shaken up so I had to lead him home, she had a sore butt so she rode my horse home. To top things off, a big storm came. Walking a spooking 5 year old pony home in the heavy rain and wind down a main road wasn't my idea of a nice ride out!
It's the little things i've missed the most. Having someone to do duties with at the stables, someone to get drunk and smoke with, someone to sing with and not be afraid of making a fool of myself, just the company of someone so close to me. Someone who wont judge me for eating so much fast food because they're the same :) someone who got on with my friends just as well as I did. She was someone I felt so comfortable with as to not bother about the appearance of my house and bedroom or myself even because she's seen it all before.
I guess I wanted to somewhat contribute to her page as I haven't really wrote for her before... She was a big part of my life.
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